Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Trip planning- pre-empted by homework!!!

Science Fair...We have been working on this for two weeks. The house smells like spray mount and the board is finally completed!

This project took on a life of its own- like our haunted houses, we look around and add accessories. The only thing purchased for this project was the poster board and the tuning fork. Griffin and I worked on this diligently together, much like cramming for a final. It was fun and exhausting- looks cool , right?! I hope we get a gold star! The theme of the project is about sound waves and how they effect your senses.
Jack Skellington holds the headphones and fits in well in our two tone theme! Fair judging is on Friday, so cross your boney fingers!
Will start packing for our venture after play practice tomorrow night. We have been told to dress in layers- hard to imagine when it is still so bloody hot here in the O.C...

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